11 January 2020

About This Blog

480 lbs

I am not healthy. Even minimal physical tasks are daunting. I am tired of this being the way I live. I am not advising anyone live like I am going to be. This page is for documentation purposes only. It will contain my struggles, stumbles and progress. I will put what I am eating here and I am open to suggestions for folks that know more than I do. My current plan is a 12-16 oz of meat and same for green vegetables every day. Keeping it simple while I work on figuring out what I want to do next/modifications I need to make.
I will be using the following format:

W: weight in lbs
Aw: 31 day average of weight
Tw: Trend of weight, Today's Aw - yesterday's Aw

I: Intake in kCalories
Ai: 31 day average of intake
Ti: Trend of intake, Today's Ai - yesterday's Ai

E: Amount of time spent walking intentionally in minutes. If multiple sessions are completed, will be separated by slashes 5/5/5 == 3 sessions for a daily total of 15m

W: desired weight by end of month
I: desired daily intake
E: desired daily exercise by end of month

What I ate for the day and how it was prepared.

How I feel today.

Struggles and Triumphs
Situations that were difficult for me will be in the following format

Description of situation and factors that contributed to the struggle
Proposed Solutions:
Actions that were either tried (denoted with results) or theoretical (denoted with *).

Progress: Things that went well today and I want to recreate.